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humind 2024.1.2

This release covers a hot patch, a new function, and enhancements.

humind 2024.1.1

This release covers mostly hot patches on a few bugs.

  • For perceived protection risks, add_comp_prot() assigns the score of 1 to a severity level. (#514)
  • add_msni() now correctly handles metrics 3 and 4, adding a missing value when the household is not in need (#509, #510)
  • add_comp_wash has some minor refinements. (#507)
  • For total income, loans to friends and from assistance should not be considered. Function add_income_source_prop() now has these two parameters as NULL by default. It is still possible to include them. (#506)

humind 2024.1.0

Provides functions to compose usual humanitarian composite indicators related to IMPACT Multi-Sector Needs Assessments (MSNAs). Such as:

  • Food security indicators (rCSI, LCSI, HHS, FCS).
  • Washington Group Short Set of questions (WG-SS).
  • JMP ladders.
  • Specific indicators related to the MSNI framework.

The package follows the ‘Step-Composition’ approach of IMPACT R framework.

humind 0.1.900

  • Expect many breaking changes as we are moving towards a more consistent and coherent package for 2024 MSNAs
  • Food security indicators will be imported from impactR4PHU, potentially all Public Health functions.


  • Bug fix: rsci() now correctly adds the rcsi_score variable.


  • Breaking change: drinking_water_quantity() now recodes the frequencies of days without drinking water, while drinking_water_quantity_score() assigns a score on a 5-point scale.
  • Added: time_to_fetch_water_int_char() and time_to_fetch_water_combine() to recode and combine both variables for the time to fetch water.


  • Bug fix and breaking change: handwashing_facility() now recodes the types of handwashing facility.
  • Added: handwashing_facility_score() which calculates a score on a 2-point scale based on handwashing_facility()

humind 0.0.5

  • Breaking changes: revamp of all water sources and sanitation facilities fonctions with the same approach as the food security functions.
  • Added: drinking_water_source() recodes the types of water sources, time_to_fetch_water() the time to fetch water according to a chosen threshold, and drinking_water_source_score() classify each household/individual on a 5-point scale.
  • Added: sanitation_facility() recodes the types of sanitation facilities, sharing_sanitation_facility() recodes the number of people sharing the sanitation facility, and sanitation_facility_score() classify each household on a 5-point scale.

humind 0.0.4

  • Added water_source(): Water source 5-point-scale.
  • Added sanitation_facility(): Sanitation facility 5-point scale.
  • Added handwashing_facility(): Handwashing facility 2-point scale.
  • Added drinking_water_quantity(): Drinking water quantity 5-point scale.

humind 0.0.3

  • Added hdds(): Household Dietary Diversity Scores (HDDS) (#5)
  • Added fies(): Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) #6
  • Bug fix: error in lcsi() on aggregated categories’ names corrected (#20)

humind 0.0.2

  • Added: HWISE functions. (#16)
  • Updated: to dplyr v1.1.0 with the dplyr::case_when() revamp. (#)
  • Modified: dependency know goes to impactR.utils and not impactR. (#)

humind 0.0.1

  • A few patches to github-action and pages


  • Initial commit