This function categorizes a numeric column in a dataframe based on specified breaks and labels. It can handle undefined values and provides options for customizing the categorization process.
labels = NULL,
int_undefined = c(-999, 999),
char_undefined = "Unknown",
new_colname = NULL,
plus_last = FALSE,
above_last = FALSE
- df
A dataframe containing the numeric column to be categorized.
- num_col
The column name to recategorize.
- breaks
A vector of cut points for categorization.
- labels
A vector of labels for the categories. If NULL, labels are automatically generated.
- int_undefined
A vector of numeric values to be replaced by char_undefined.
- char_undefined
A character string to replace int_undefined values.
- new_colname
The name of the new column. If NULL, it's automatically generated.
- plus_last
Logical, whether to add a "+" to the last category.
- above_last
Logical, whether to add a category for values above the last break.