This function calculates the Shelter, NFI and HLP (SNFI) sectoral composite score based on shelter type, shelter issues, occupancy status, and functional disability scale (FDS) indicators. It also determines if a household is in need or in acute need based on the calculated score.
Prerequisite functions:
shelter_type_cat = "snfi_shelter_type_cat",
shelter_type_cat_none = "none",
shelter_type_cat_inadequate = "inadequate",
shelter_type_cat_adequate = "adequate",
shelter_type_cat_undefined = "undefined",
shelter_issue_cat = "snfi_shelter_issue_cat",
shelter_issue_cat_7_to_8 = "7_to_8",
shelter_issue_cat_4_to_6 = "4_to_6",
shelter_issue_cat_1_to_3 = "1_to_3",
shelter_issue_cat_none = "none",
shelter_issue_cat_undefined = "undefined",
shelter_issue_cat_other = "other",
occupancy_cat = "hlp_occupancy_cat",
occupancy_cat_high_risk = "high_risk",
occupancy_cat_medium_risk = "medium_risk",
occupancy_cat_low_risk = "low_risk",
occupancy_cat_undefined = "undefined",
fds_cannot_cat = "snfi_fds_cannot_cat",
fds_cannot_cat_4_to_5 = "4_to_5_tasks",
fds_cannot_cat_2_to_3 = "2_to_3_tasks",
fds_cannot_cat_1 = "1_task",
fds_cannot_cat_none = "none",
fds_cannot_cat_undefined = "undefined"
- df
A data frame containing the required SNFI indicators.
- shelter_type_cat
Column name for shelter type.
- shelter_type_cat_none
Level for no shelter.
- shelter_type_cat_inadequate
Level for inadequate shelter.
- shelter_type_cat_adequate
Level for adequate shelter.
- shelter_type_cat_undefined
Level for undefined shelter.
- shelter_issue_cat
Column name for shelter issue.
- shelter_issue_cat_7_to_8
Level for 7 to 8 shelter issues.
- shelter_issue_cat_4_to_6
Level for 4 to 6 shelter issues.
- shelter_issue_cat_1_to_3
Level for 1 to 3 shelter issues.
- shelter_issue_cat_none
Level for no shelter issues.
- shelter_issue_cat_undefined
Level for undefined shelter issues.
- shelter_issue_cat_other
Level for other shelter issues.
- occupancy_cat
Column name for occupancy.
- occupancy_cat_high_risk
Level for high risk occupancy.
- occupancy_cat_medium_risk
Level for medium risk occupancy.
- occupancy_cat_low_risk
Level for low risk occupancy.
- occupancy_cat_undefined
Level for undefined occupancy.
- fds_cannot_cat
Column name for fds cannot.
- fds_cannot_cat_4_to_5
Level for 4 to 5 tasks that cannot be done.
- fds_cannot_cat_2_to_3
Level for 2 to 3 tasks that cannot be done.
- fds_cannot_cat_1
Level for 1 task that cannot be done.
- fds_cannot_cat_none
Level for no tasks that cannot be done.
- fds_cannot_cat_undefined
Level for undefined fds cannot.
A data frame with added columns:
comp_snfi_score_shelter_type_cat: Score based on shelter type
comp_snfi_score_shelter_issue_cat: Score based on shelter issues
comp_snfi_score_occupancy_cat: Score based on occupancy status
comp_snfi_score_fds_cannot_cat: Score based on FDS
comp_snfi_score: Overall SNFI composite score
comp_snfi_in_need: Indicator for being in need
comp_snfi_in_acute_need: Indicator for being in acute need