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This vignette emphasizes how to add indicators for the “main” dataset at the household-level. The package provides functins to add, recode, and prepare the usual humanitarian composite indicators as well as the ones that are specific to the MSNA analytical framework.

main <- dummy_raw_data$main |> as_tibble()
main$weight <- 1

Shelter and NFI

Shelter types

# Category of shelter type
main <- add_shelter_type_cat(main)
# main |> select(snfi_shelter_type, snfi_shelter_type_individual, snfi_shelter_type_cat)

# Shelter issues
main <- add_shelter_issue_cat(main)
# main |> select(snfi_shelter_issue, snfi_shelter_issue_n, snfi_shelter_issue_cat)

Functional domestic space

# Category of functional domestic space
main <- add_fds_cannot_cat(main)
# main |> select(snfi_fds_cooking, snfi_fds_sleeping, snfi_fds_storing, snfi_fds_personal_hygiene, energy_lighting_source, snfi_fds_cannot_n, snfi_fds_cannot_cat)

WASH - Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

Sanitation facilities

# Category of sanitation facilities
main <- add_sanitation_facility_cat(main)
# main |> select(wash_sanitation_facility, wash_sanitation_facility_cat)

# Sharing the sanitation facility
main <- add_sharing_sanitation_facility_cat(main)
# main |> select(wash_sanitation_facility_sharing_yn, wash_sharing_sanitation_facility_cat)

# Number of individuals sharing the sanitation facility
main <- add_sharing_sanitation_facility_num_ind(main)
# main |> select(wash_sanitation_facility_sharing_yn, hh_size, wash_sanitation_facility_sharing_n, wash_sharing_sanitation_facility_n_ind)

Water source and time to fetch water

# Category of water source
main <- add_drinking_water_source_cat(main)

# Time to fetch water
main <- add_drinking_water_time_cat(main)

# Time to fetch water according to the 1h threshold
main <- add_drinking_water_time_threshold_cat(main)
#main |> select(wash_drinking_water_source, wash_drinking_water_time_yn, wash_drinking_water_time_int, wash_drinking_water_time_sl, wash_drinking_water_time_cat, wash_drinking_water_time_threshold_cat)