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Description: Access to phone and coverage

Parameters: - df: - access_to_phone: - none: - smartphone: - feature_phone: - basic_phone: - dnk: - pnta: - sep:

Outputs: - access_to_phone_d_none - access_to_phone_d_pnta - access_to_phone_d_basic_phone - access_to_phone_d_smartphone - access_to_phone_d_dnk - access_to_phone_d_vars - access_to_phone_d_feature_phone - df

New/Modified Columns: - etc_access_to_phone_best

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_access_to_phone_best]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[access_to_phone] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[none] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[smartphone] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[feature_phone] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[basic_phone] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[dnk] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[pnta] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[sep] --> B
    A --> D8
    B --> E0[access_to_phone_d_none]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[access_to_phone_d_pnta]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[access_to_phone_d_basic_phone]
    E2 --> C
    B --> E3[access_to_phone_d_smartphone]
    E3 --> C
    B --> E4[access_to_phone_d_dnk]
    E4 --> C
    B --> E5[access_to_phone_d_vars]
    E5 --> C
    B --> E6[access_to_phone_d_feature_phone]
    E6 --> C
    B --> E7[df]
    E7 --> C
    B --> F0[etc_access_to_phone_best]
    F0 --> C



Parameters: - df: - coverage_network_type: - coverage_none: - coverage_no_internet: - coverage_yes_internet: - coverage_undefined: - access_to_phone_best: - access_to_phone_none: - access_to_basic_phone: - access_to_feature_phone: - access_to_smartphone: - access_to_undefined:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - etc_access_to_phone_coverage

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_access_to_phone_coverage]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[coverage_network_type] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[coverage_none] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[coverage_no_internet] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[coverage_yes_internet] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[coverage_undefined] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[access_to_phone_best] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[access_to_phone_none] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[access_to_basic_phone] --> B
    A --> D8
    D9[access_to_feature_phone] --> B
    A --> D9
    D10[access_to_smartphone] --> B
    A --> D10
    D11[access_to_undefined] --> B
    A --> D11
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[etc_access_to_phone_coverage]
    F0 --> C


Description: Add categories of age

Parameters: - df: - age_col: - breaks: - labels: - int_undefined: - char_undefined: - new_colname:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_age_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[age_col] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[breaks] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[labels] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[int_undefined] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[char_undefined] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[new_colname] --> B
    A --> D6
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C



Parameters: - df: - age_col: - int_undefined: - char_undefined: - new_colname:

Outputs: - new_colname - new_colname_d - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_age_18_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[age_col] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[int_undefined] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[char_undefined] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[new_colname] --> B
    A --> D4
    B --> E0[new_colname]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[new_colname_d]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[df]
    E2 --> C


Description: Add child separation categories

Parameters: - df: - child_sep: - child_sep_yes: - child_sep_no: - child_sep_undefined: - child_sep_reason: - child_sep_reason_non_severe: - child_sep_reason_severe: - child_sep_reason_very_severe: - child_sep_reason_undefined: - sep:

Outputs: - child_sep_reason_d_severe - child_sep_reason_d_non_severe - child_sep_reason_d_very_severe - child_sep_reason_d_undefined - df

New/Modified Columns: - prot_child_sep_cat

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_child_sep_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[child_sep] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[child_sep_yes] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[child_sep_no] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[child_sep_undefined] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[child_sep_reason] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[child_sep_reason_non_severe] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[child_sep_reason_severe] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[child_sep_reason_very_severe] --> B
    A --> D8
    D9[child_sep_reason_undefined] --> B
    A --> D9
    D10[sep] --> B
    A --> D10
    B --> E0[child_sep_reason_d_severe]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[child_sep_reason_d_non_severe]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[child_sep_reason_d_very_severe]
    E2 --> C
    B --> E3[child_sep_reason_d_undefined]
    E3 --> C
    B --> E4[df]
    E4 --> C
    B --> F0[prot_child_sep_cat]
    F0 --> C


Description: Education sectoral composite - add score and dummy for in need

Parameters: - df: - schooling_age_n: - no_access_n: - barrier_protection_n: - occupation_n: - hazards_n: - displaced_n: - teacher_n:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - comp_edu_score_disrupted - comp_edu_score_attendance - comp_edu_score

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_comp_edu]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[schooling_age_n] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[no_access_n] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[barrier_protection_n] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[occupation_n] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[hazards_n] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[displaced_n] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[teacher_n] --> B
    A --> D7
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[comp_edu_score_disrupted]
    F0 --> C
    B --> F1[comp_edu_score_attendance]
    F1 --> C
    B --> F2[comp_edu_score]
    F2 --> C


Description: Food security sectoral composite - add score and dummy for in need

Parameters: - df: - fc_phase: - fc_phase_levels:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - comp_foodsec_score

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_comp_foodsec]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[fc_phase] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[fc_phase_levels] --> B
    A --> D2
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[comp_foodsec_score]
    F0 --> C


Description: Health composite - add score and dummy for in need

Parameters: - df: - ind_healthcare_needed_no_n: - ind_healthcare_needed_yes_unmet_n: - ind_healthcare_needed_yes_met_n: - wgq_dis: - ind_healthcare_needed_no_wgq_dis_n: - ind_healthcare_needed_yes_unmet_wgq_dis_n: - ind_healthcare_needed_yes_met_wgq_dis_n:

Outputs: - vars_n - vars_dis_n - df

New/Modified Columns: - comp_health_score

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_comp_health]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[ind_healthcare_needed_no_n] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[ind_healthcare_needed_yes_unmet_n] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[ind_healthcare_needed_yes_met_n] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[wgq_dis] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[ind_healthcare_needed_no_wgq_dis_n] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[ind_healthcare_needed_yes_unmet_wgq_dis_n] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[ind_healthcare_needed_yes_met_wgq_dis_n] --> B
    A --> D7
    B --> E0[vars_n]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[vars_dis_n]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[df]
    E2 --> C
    B --> F0[comp_health_score]
    F0 --> C


Description: Protection composite - add score and dummy for in need

Parameters: - df: - child_sep_cat: - child_sep_cat_levels: - concern_freq_cope: - concern_freq_displaced: - concern_hh_freq_kidnapping: - concern_hh_freq_discrimination: - concern_levels:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - comp_prot_score_concern_freq_cope - comp_prot_child_sep_cat - default - comp_prot_score_concern - comp_prot_risk_always_d - comp_prot_score

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_comp_prot]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[child_sep_cat] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[child_sep_cat_levels] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[concern_freq_cope] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[concern_freq_displaced] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[concern_hh_freq_kidnapping] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[concern_hh_freq_discrimination] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[concern_levels] --> B
    A --> D7
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[comp_prot_score_concern_freq_cope]
    F0 --> C
    B --> F1[comp_prot_child_sep_cat]
    F1 --> C
    B --> F2[default]
    F2 --> C
    B --> F3[comp_prot_score_concern]
    F3 --> C
    B --> F4[comp_prot_risk_always_d]
    F4 --> C
    B --> F5[comp_prot_score]
    F5 --> C


Description: SNFI sectoral composite - add score and dummy for in need

Parameters: - df: - shelter_type_cat: - shelter_type_cat_levels: - shelter_issue_cat: - shelter_issue_cat_levels: - occupancy_cat: - occupancy_cat_levels: - fds_cannot_cat: - fds_cannot_cat_levels:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - comp_snfi_score_shelter_issue_cat - comp_snfi_score_occupancy_cat - comp_snfi_score - comp_snfi_score_shelter_type_cat - comp_snfi_score_fds_cannot_cat

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_comp_snfi]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[shelter_type_cat] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[shelter_type_cat_levels] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[shelter_issue_cat] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[shelter_issue_cat_levels] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[occupancy_cat] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[occupancy_cat_levels] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[fds_cannot_cat] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[fds_cannot_cat_levels] --> B
    A --> D8
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[comp_snfi_score_shelter_issue_cat]
    F0 --> C
    B --> F1[comp_snfi_score_occupancy_cat]
    F1 --> C
    B --> F2[comp_snfi_score]
    F2 --> C
    B --> F3[comp_snfi_score_shelter_type_cat]
    F3 --> C
    B --> F4[comp_snfi_score_fds_cannot_cat]
    F4 --> C


Description: WASH sectoral composite - add score and dummy for in need

Parameters: - df: - setting: - setting_levels: - drinking_water_quantity: - drinking_water_quantity_levels: - drinking_water_quality_jmp_cat: - drinking_water_quality_jmp_cat_levels: - sanitation_facility_jmp_cat: - sanitation_facility_jmp_cat_levels: - sanitation_facility_cat: - sanitation_facility_cat_levels: - sanitation_facility_n_ind: - sanitation_facility_n_ind_levels: - handwashing_facility_jmp_cat: - handwashing_facility_jmp_cat_levels:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - comp_wash_score_water_quantity - comp_wash_score

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_comp_wash]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[setting] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[setting_levels] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[drinking_water_quantity] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[drinking_water_quantity_levels] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[drinking_water_quality_jmp_cat] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[drinking_water_quality_jmp_cat_levels] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[sanitation_facility_jmp_cat] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[sanitation_facility_jmp_cat_levels] --> B
    A --> D8
    D9[sanitation_facility_cat] --> B
    A --> D9
    D10[sanitation_facility_cat_levels] --> B
    A --> D10
    D11[sanitation_facility_n_ind] --> B
    A --> D11
    D12[sanitation_facility_n_ind_levels] --> B
    A --> D12
    D13[handwashing_facility_jmp_cat] --> B
    A --> D13
    D14[handwashing_facility_jmp_cat_levels] --> B
    A --> D14
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[comp_wash_score_water_quantity]
    F0 --> C
    B --> F1[comp_wash_score]
    F1 --> C


Description: Drinking water source recoding

Parameters: - df: - drinking_water_source: - improved: - unimproved: - surface_water: - undefined:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - wash_drinking_water_source_cat

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_drinking_water_source_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[drinking_water_source] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[improved] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[unimproved] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[surface_water] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[undefined] --> B
    A --> D5
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[wash_drinking_water_source_cat]
    F0 --> C



Parameters: - df: - drinking_water_time_yn: - water_on_premises: - number_minutes: - dnk: - undefined: - drinking_water_time_int: - max: - drinking_water_time_sl: - sl_under_30_min: - sl_30min_1hr: - sl_more_than_1hr: - sl_undefined: - drinking_water_source: - skipped_drinking_water_source_premises: - skipped_drinking_water_source_undefined:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - wash_drinking_water_time_cat

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_drinking_water_time_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[drinking_water_time_yn] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[water_on_premises] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[number_minutes] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[dnk] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[undefined] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[drinking_water_time_int] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[max] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[drinking_water_time_sl] --> B
    A --> D8
    D9[sl_under_30_min] --> B
    A --> D9
    D10[sl_30min_1hr] --> B
    A --> D10
    D11[sl_more_than_1hr] --> B
    A --> D11
    D12[sl_undefined] --> B
    A --> D12
    D13[drinking_water_source] --> B
    A --> D13
    D14[skipped_drinking_water_source_premises] --> B
    A --> D14
    D15[skipped_drinking_water_source_undefined] --> B
    A --> D15
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[wash_drinking_water_time_cat]
    F0 --> C



Parameters: - df: - drinking_water_time_cat: - premises: - under_30min: - above_30min: - undefined:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - wash_drinking_water_time_30min_cat

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_drinking_water_time_threshold_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[drinking_water_time_cat] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[premises] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[under_30min] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[above_30min] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[undefined] --> B
    A --> D5
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[wash_drinking_water_time_30min_cat]
    F0 --> C


Description: Add frequent expenditure type amount as proportions of total frequent expenditure

Parameters: - df: - cm_expenditure_frequent_food: - cm_expenditure_frequent_rent: - cm_expenditure_frequent_water: - cm_expenditure_frequent_nfi: - cm_expenditure_frequent_utilitiues: - cm_expenditure_frequent_fuel: - cm_expenditure_frequent_transportation: - cm_expenditure_frequent_communication: - cm_expenditure_frequent_other:

Outputs: - expenditure_freq_types - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_expenditure_type_prop_freq]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[cm_expenditure_frequent_food] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[cm_expenditure_frequent_rent] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[cm_expenditure_frequent_water] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[cm_expenditure_frequent_nfi] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[cm_expenditure_frequent_utilitiues] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[cm_expenditure_frequent_fuel] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[cm_expenditure_frequent_transportation] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[cm_expenditure_frequent_communication] --> B
    A --> D8
    D9[cm_expenditure_frequent_other] --> B
    A --> D9
    B --> E0[expenditure_freq_types]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[df]
    E1 --> C


Description: Add infrequent expenditure type amount as proportions of total infrequent expenditure

Parameters: - df: - cm_expenditure_infrequent_shelter: - cm_expenditure_infrequent_nfi: - cm_expenditure_infrequent_health: - cm_expenditure_infrequent_education: - cm_expenditure_infrequent_debt: - cm_expenditure_infrequent_other:

Outputs: - expenditure_infreq_types - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_expenditure_type_prop_infreq]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[cm_expenditure_infrequent_shelter] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[cm_expenditure_infrequent_nfi] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[cm_expenditure_infrequent_health] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[cm_expenditure_infrequent_education] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[cm_expenditure_infrequent_debt] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[cm_expenditure_infrequent_other] --> B
    A --> D6
    B --> E0[expenditure_infreq_types]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[df]
    E1 --> C


Description: Add zero when the frequent expenditure type was skipped

Parameters: - df: - expenditure_freq: - undefined: - expenditure_freq_types:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_expenditure_type_zero_freq]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[expenditure_freq] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[undefined] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[expenditure_freq_types] --> B
    A --> D3
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C


Description: Add zero when the infrequent expenditure type was skipped

Parameters: - df: - expenditure_infreq: - undefined: - expenditure_infreq_types:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_expenditure_type_zero_infreq]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[expenditure_infreq] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[undefined] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[expenditure_infreq_types] --> B
    A --> D3
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C


Description: Add functional domestic space tasks categories

Parameters: - df: - fds_cooking: - fds_cooking_cannot: - fds_cooking_can_issues: - fds_cooking_can_no_issues: - fds_cooking_no_need: - fds_cooking_undefined: - fds_sleeping: - fds_sleeping_cannot: - fds_sleeping_can_issues: - fds_sleeping_can_no_issues: - fds_sleeping_undefined: - fds_storing: - fds_storing_cannot: - fds_storing_can_issues: - fds_storing_can_no_issues: - fds_storing_undefined: - fds_personal_hygiene: - fds_personal_hygiene_cannot: - fds_personal_hygiene_can_issues: - fds_personal_hygiene_can_no_issues: - fds_personal_hygiene_undefined: - lighting_source: - lighting_source_none: - lighting_source_undefined:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - snfi_fds_cannot_n - x - snfi_fds_cooking - default - energy_lighting_source - snfi_fds_cannot_cat - energy_lighting_source_d

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_fds_cannot_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[fds_cooking] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[fds_cooking_cannot] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[fds_cooking_can_issues] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[fds_cooking_can_no_issues] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[fds_cooking_no_need] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[fds_cooking_undefined] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[fds_sleeping] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[fds_sleeping_cannot] --> B
    A --> D8
    D9[fds_sleeping_can_issues] --> B
    A --> D9
    D10[fds_sleeping_can_no_issues] --> B
    A --> D10
    D11[fds_sleeping_undefined] --> B
    A --> D11
    D12[fds_storing] --> B
    A --> D12
    D13[fds_storing_cannot] --> B
    A --> D13
    D14[fds_storing_can_issues] --> B
    A --> D14
    D15[fds_storing_can_no_issues] --> B
    A --> D15
    D16[fds_storing_undefined] --> B
    A --> D16
    D17[fds_personal_hygiene] --> B
    A --> D17
    D18[fds_personal_hygiene_cannot] --> B
    A --> D18
    D19[fds_personal_hygiene_can_issues] --> B
    A --> D19
    D20[fds_personal_hygiene_can_no_issues] --> B
    A --> D20
    D21[fds_personal_hygiene_undefined] --> B
    A --> D21
    D22[lighting_source] --> B
    A --> D22
    D23[lighting_source_none] --> B
    A --> D23
    D24[lighting_source_undefined] --> B
    A --> D24
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[snfi_fds_cannot_n]
    F0 --> C
    B --> F1[x]
    F1 --> C
    B --> F2[snfi_fds_cooking]
    F2 --> C
    B --> F3[default]
    F3 --> C
    B --> F4[energy_lighting_source]
    F4 --> C
    B --> F5[snfi_fds_cannot_cat]
    F5 --> C
    B --> F6[energy_lighting_source_d]
    F6 --> C


Description: Add frequent expenditure type amount as proportions of total frequent expenditure

Parameters: - df: - survey_modality: - survey_modality_in_person: - survey_modality_remote: - facility: - facility_yes: - facility_no: - facility_no_permission: - facility_undefined: - facility_observed_water: - facility_observed_water_yes: - facility_observed_water_no: - facility_observed_soap: - facility_observed_soap_yes: - facility_observed_soap_no: - facility_observed_soap_alternative: - facility_reported: - facility_reported_yes: - facility_reported_no: - facility_reported_undefined: - facility_reported_no_permission_soap: - facility_reported_no_permission_soap_yes: - facility_reported_no_permission_soap_no: - facility_reported_no_permission_soap_undefined: - facility_reported_no_permission_soap_type: - facility_reported_no_permission_soap_type_yes: - facility_reported_no_permission_soap_type_no: - facility_reported_no_permission_soap_type_undefined: - facility_reported_remote_soap: - facility_reported_remote_soap_yes: - facility_reported_remote_soap_no: - facility_reported_remote_soap_undefined: - facility_reported_remote_soap_type: - facility_reported_remote_soap_type_yes: - facility_reported_remote_soap_type_no: - facility_reported_remote_soap_type_undefined:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - wash_handwashing_facility_jmp_cat

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_handwashing_facility_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[survey_modality] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[survey_modality_in_person] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[survey_modality_remote] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[facility] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[facility_yes] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[facility_no] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[facility_no_permission] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[facility_undefined] --> B
    A --> D8
    D9[facility_observed_water] --> B
    A --> D9
    D10[facility_observed_water_yes] --> B
    A --> D10
    D11[facility_observed_water_no] --> B
    A --> D11
    D12[facility_observed_soap] --> B
    A --> D12
    D13[facility_observed_soap_yes] --> B
    A --> D13
    D14[facility_observed_soap_no] --> B
    A --> D14
    D15[facility_observed_soap_alternative] --> B
    A --> D15
    D16[facility_reported] --> B
    A --> D16
    D17[facility_reported_yes] --> B
    A --> D17
    D18[facility_reported_no] --> B
    A --> D18
    D19[facility_reported_undefined] --> B
    A --> D19
    D20[facility_reported_no_permission_soap] --> B
    A --> D20
    D21[facility_reported_no_permission_soap_yes] --> B
    A --> D21
    D22[facility_reported_no_permission_soap_no] --> B
    A --> D22
    D23[facility_reported_no_permission_soap_undefined] --> B
    A --> D23
    D24[facility_reported_no_permission_soap_type] --> B
    A --> D24
    D25[facility_reported_no_permission_soap_type_yes] --> B
    A --> D25
    D26[facility_reported_no_permission_soap_type_no] --> B
    A --> D26
    D27[facility_reported_no_permission_soap_type_undefined] --> B
    A --> D27
    D28[facility_reported_remote_soap] --> B
    A --> D28
    D29[facility_reported_remote_soap_yes] --> B
    A --> D29
    D30[facility_reported_remote_soap_no] --> B
    A --> D30
    D31[facility_reported_remote_soap_undefined] --> B
    A --> D31
    D32[facility_reported_remote_soap_type] --> B
    A --> D32
    D33[facility_reported_remote_soap_type_yes] --> B
    A --> D33
    D34[facility_reported_remote_soap_type_no] --> B
    A --> D34
    D35[facility_reported_remote_soap_type_undefined] --> B
    A --> D35
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[wash_handwashing_facility_jmp_cat]
    F0 --> C


Description: Head of household final values (from respondent skip logic)

Parameters: - df: - resp_hoh_yn: - yes: - no: - hoh_gender: - hoh_age: - resp_gender: - resp_age:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - hoh_gender

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_hoh_final]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[resp_hoh_yn] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[yes] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[no] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[hoh_gender] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[hoh_age] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[resp_gender] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[resp_age] --> B
    A --> D7
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[hoh_gender]
    F0 --> C


Description: Add income source categories, count, and top 3

Parameters: - df: - emergency: - unstable: - stable: - other: - id_col:

Outputs: - income_source_cat_rec - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_income_source_rank]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[emergency] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[unstable] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[stable] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[other] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[id_col] --> B
    A --> D5
    B --> E0[income_source_cat_rec]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[df]
    E1 --> C


Description: Add income source amount as proportions of total income

Parameters: - df: - income_souce_salaried_n: - income_source_casual_n: - income_source_own_business_n: - income_source_own_production_n: - income_source_social_benefits_n: - income_source_rent_n: - income_source_remittances_n: - income_source_assistance_n: - income_source_support_friends_n: - income_source_donation_n: - income_source_other_n:

Outputs: - df - income_sources

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_income_source_prop]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[income_souce_salaried_n] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[income_source_casual_n] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[income_source_own_business_n] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[income_source_own_production_n] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[income_source_social_benefits_n] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[income_source_rent_n] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[income_source_remittances_n] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[income_source_assistance_n] --> B
    A --> D8
    D9[income_source_support_friends_n] --> B
    A --> D9
    D10[income_source_donation_n] --> B
    A --> D10
    D11[income_source_other_n] --> B
    A --> D11
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[income_sources]
    E1 --> C


Description: Add zero when the income source was skipped

Parameters: - df: - income_source: - undefined: - income_sources:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_income_source_zero_to_sl]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[income_source] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[undefined] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[income_sources] --> B
    A --> D3
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C


Description: Add a dummy variable for an age class

Parameters: - loop: - ind_age: - lb: - ub: - new_colname:

Outputs: - new_colname - loop

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_age_dummy]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[loop] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[ind_age] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[lb] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[ub] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[new_colname] --> B
    A --> D4
    B --> E0[new_colname]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[loop]
    E1 --> C



Parameters: - main: - loop: - ind_age_dummy: - id_col_main: - id_col_loop: - new_colname:

Outputs: - new_colname - loop - main

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_age_dummy_to_main]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[main] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[loop] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[ind_age_dummy] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[id_col_main] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[id_col_loop] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[new_colname] --> B
    A --> D5
    B --> E0[new_colname]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[loop]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[main]
    E2 --> C



Parameters: - loop: - ind_age: - lb: - ub: - ind_gender: - gender: - new_colname:

Outputs: - new_colname - loop

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_age_gender_dummy]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[loop] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[ind_age] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[lb] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[ub] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[ind_gender] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[gender] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[new_colname] --> B
    A --> D6
    B --> E0[new_colname]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[loop]
    E1 --> C



Parameters: - main: - loop: - ind_age_gender_dummy: - id_col_main: - id_col_loop: - new_colname:

Outputs: - new_colname - loop - main

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_age_gender_dummy_to_main]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[main] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[loop] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[ind_age_gender_dummy] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[id_col_main] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[id_col_loop] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[new_colname] --> B
    A --> D5
    B --> E0[new_colname]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[loop]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[main]
    E2 --> C


Description: Add education access dummy

Parameters: - loop: - ind_access: - yes: - no: - pnta: - dnk: - ind_schooling_age_d:

Outputs: - loop

New/Modified Columns: - edu_ind_access_d

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_edu_access_d]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[loop] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[ind_access] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[yes] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[no] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[pnta] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[dnk] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[ind_schooling_age_d] --> B
    A --> D6
    B --> E0[loop]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[edu_ind_access_d]
    F0 --> C



Parameters: - main: - loop: - ind_access_d: - ind_no_access_d: - id_col_main: - id_col_loop:

Outputs: - main - loop - ind_access_d_n - ind_no_access_d_n

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_edu_access_d_to_main]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[main] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[loop] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[ind_access_d] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[ind_no_access_d] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[id_col_main] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[id_col_loop] --> B
    A --> D5
    B --> E0[main]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[loop]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[ind_access_d_n]
    E2 --> C
    B --> E3[ind_no_access_d_n]
    E3 --> C


Description: Add a variable for child protection barriers to education

Parameters: - loop: - barriers: - protection_issues: - ind_schooling_age_d:

Outputs: - loop

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_edu_barrier_protection_d]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[loop] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[barriers] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[protection_issues] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[ind_schooling_age_d] --> B
    A --> D3
    B --> E0[loop]
    E0 --> C



Parameters: - main: - loop: - ind_barrier_protection_d: - id_col_main: - id_col_loop:

Outputs: - loop - main - ind_barrier_protection_d_n

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_edu_barrier_protection_d_to_main]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[main] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[loop] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[ind_barrier_protection_d] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[id_col_main] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[id_col_loop] --> B
    A --> D4
    B --> E0[loop]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[main]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[ind_barrier_protection_d_n]
    E2 --> C


Description: Add education disruption categories

Parameters: - df: - occupation: - hazards: - displaced: - teacher: - levels: - ind_schooling_age_d:

Outputs: - hazards_d - teacher_d - displaced_d - occupation_d - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_edu_disrupted_d]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[occupation] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[hazards] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[displaced] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[teacher] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[levels] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[ind_schooling_age_d] --> B
    A --> D6
    B --> E0[hazards_d]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[teacher_d]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[displaced_d]
    E2 --> C
    B --> E3[occupation_d]
    E3 --> C
    B --> E4[df]
    E4 --> C



Parameters: - main: - loop: - occupation_d: - hazards_d: - displaced_d: - teacher_d: - id_col_main: - id_col_loop:

Outputs: - loop - main

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_edu_disrupted_d_to_main]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[main] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[loop] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[occupation_d] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[hazards_d] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[displaced_d] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[teacher_d] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[id_col_main] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[id_col_loop] --> B
    A --> D7
    B --> E0[loop]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[main]
    E1 --> C


Description: Add a correct schooling age to the loop

Parameters: - loop: - main: - id_col_loop: - id_col_main: - survey_start_date: - school_year_start_month: - ind_age: - month:

Outputs: - loop - main - school_year_start_month_adj

New/Modified Columns: - edu_ind_age_corrected - month - edu_ind_schooling_age_d

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_edu_ind_age_corrected]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[loop] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[main] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[id_col_loop] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[id_col_main] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[survey_start_date] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[school_year_start_month] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[ind_age] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[month] --> B
    A --> D7
    B --> E0[loop]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[main]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[school_year_start_month_adj]
    E2 --> C
    B --> F0[edu_ind_age_corrected]
    F0 --> C
    B --> F1[month]
    F1 --> C
    B --> F2[edu_ind_schooling_age_d]
    F2 --> C



Parameters: - main: - loop: - ind_schooling_age_d: - id_col_main: - id_col_loop:

Outputs: - ind_schooling_age_d_n - loop - main

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_edu_ind_schooling_age_d_to_main]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[main] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[loop] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[ind_schooling_age_d] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[id_col_main] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[id_col_loop] --> B
    A --> D4
    B --> E0[ind_schooling_age_d_n]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[loop]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[main]
    E2 --> C


Description: Add healthcare needed category to loop data (incl. WGQ-SS if provided)

Parameters: - loop: - ind_healthcare_needed: - ind_healthcare_needed_levels: - ind_healthcare_received: - ind_healthcare_received_levels: - wgq_dis: - ind_age:

Outputs: - loop

New/Modified Columns: - health_ind_healthcare_needed_yes_met - health_ind_healthcare_needed_no_wgq_dis - health_ind_healthcare_needed_no - default - health_ind_healthcare_received_d - health_ind_healthcare_needed_d - health_ind_healthcare_needed_yes_unmet - health_ind_healthcare_needed_cat

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_healthcare_needed_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[loop] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[ind_healthcare_needed] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[ind_healthcare_needed_levels] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[ind_healthcare_received] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[ind_healthcare_received_levels] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[wgq_dis] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[ind_age] --> B
    A --> D6
    B --> E0[loop]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[health_ind_healthcare_needed_yes_met]
    F0 --> C
    B --> F1[health_ind_healthcare_needed_no_wgq_dis]
    F1 --> C
    B --> F2[health_ind_healthcare_needed_no]
    F2 --> C
    B --> F3[default]
    F3 --> C
    B --> F4[health_ind_healthcare_received_d]
    F4 --> C
    B --> F5[health_ind_healthcare_needed_d]
    F5 --> C
    B --> F6[health_ind_healthcare_needed_yes_unmet]
    F6 --> C
    B --> F7[health_ind_healthcare_needed_cat]
    F7 --> C



Parameters: - main: - loop: - ind_healthcare_needed_no: - ind_healthcare_needed_yes_unmet: - ind_healthcare_needed_yes_met: - ind_healthcare_needed_no_wgq_dis: - ind_healthcare_needed_yes_unmet_wgq_dis: - ind_healthcare_needed_yes_met_wgq_dis: - id_col_main: - id_col_loop:

Outputs: - new_colname_yes_unmet_wgq_dis - new_colname_no_wgq_dis - loop_yes_unmet_wgq_dis - new_colname_yes_met_wgq_dis - loop_no_wgq_dis - vars_n - loop - main - vars - loop_yes_met_wgq_dis - loop_vars

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_healthcare_needed_cat_to_main]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[main] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[loop] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[ind_healthcare_needed_no] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[ind_healthcare_needed_yes_unmet] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[ind_healthcare_needed_yes_met] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[ind_healthcare_needed_no_wgq_dis] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[ind_healthcare_needed_yes_unmet_wgq_dis] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[ind_healthcare_needed_yes_met_wgq_dis] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[id_col_main] --> B
    A --> D8
    D9[id_col_loop] --> B
    A --> D9
    B --> E0[new_colname_yes_unmet_wgq_dis]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[new_colname_no_wgq_dis]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[loop_yes_unmet_wgq_dis]
    E2 --> C
    B --> E3[new_colname_yes_met_wgq_dis]
    E3 --> C
    B --> E4[loop_no_wgq_dis]
    E4 --> C
    B --> E5[vars_n]
    E5 --> C
    B --> E6[loop]
    E6 --> C
    B --> E7[main]
    E7 --> C
    B --> E8[vars]
    E8 --> C
    B --> E9[loop_yes_met_wgq_dis]
    E9 --> C
    B --> E10[loop_vars]
    E10 --> C


Description: Prepare dummy variables for each WG-SS component (individual data)

Parameters: - loop: - ind_age: - vision: - hearing: - mobility: - cognition: - self_care: - communication: - no_difficulty: - some_difficulty: - lot_of_difficulty: - cannot_do: - undefined:

Outputs: - wgq_vars_lot_of_difficulty - levels - wgq_vars - loop - wgq_vars_cannot_do - wqg_vars_no_difficulty - wgq_vars_some_difficulty

New/Modified Columns: - wgq_no_difficulty_d - wgq_dis_1 - wgq_cannot_do_d - wgq_dis_4 - x - wgq_lot_of_difficulty_d - default - ind_age_above_5 - wgq_some_difficulty_d - wgq_dis_3 - wgq_dis_2

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_wgq_ss]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[loop] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[ind_age] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[vision] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[hearing] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[mobility] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[cognition] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[self_care] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[communication] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[no_difficulty] --> B
    A --> D8
    D9[some_difficulty] --> B
    A --> D9
    D10[lot_of_difficulty] --> B
    A --> D10
    D11[cannot_do] --> B
    A --> D11
    D12[undefined] --> B
    A --> D12
    B --> E0[wgq_vars_lot_of_difficulty]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[levels]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[wgq_vars]
    E2 --> C
    B --> E3[loop]
    E3 --> C
    B --> E4[wgq_vars_cannot_do]
    E4 --> C
    B --> E5[wqg_vars_no_difficulty]
    E5 --> C
    B --> E6[wgq_vars_some_difficulty]
    E6 --> C
    B --> F0[wgq_no_difficulty_d]
    F0 --> C
    B --> F1[wgq_dis_1]
    F1 --> C
    B --> F2[wgq_cannot_do_d]
    F2 --> C
    B --> F3[wgq_dis_4]
    F3 --> C
    B --> F4[x]
    F4 --> C
    B --> F5[wgq_lot_of_difficulty_d]
    F5 --> C
    B --> F6[default]
    F6 --> C
    B --> F7[ind_age_above_5]
    F7 --> C
    B --> F8[wgq_some_difficulty_d]
    F8 --> C
    B --> F9[wgq_dis_3]
    F9 --> C
    B --> F10[wgq_dis_2]
    F10 --> C



Parameters: - main: - loop: - wgq_dis_4: - wgq_dis_3: - wgq_dis_2: - wgq_dis_1: - ind_age_above_5: - id_col_main: - id_col_loop:

Outputs: - ind_age_above_5_n - wgq_dis - loop - main - wgq_dis_n

New/Modified Columns: - x - default

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_loop_wgq_ss_to_main]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[main] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[loop] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[wgq_dis_4] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[wgq_dis_3] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[wgq_dis_2] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[wgq_dis_1] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[ind_age_above_5] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[id_col_main] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[id_col_loop] --> B
    A --> D8
    B --> E0[ind_age_above_5_n]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[wgq_dis]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[loop]
    E2 --> C
    B --> E3[main]
    E3 --> C
    B --> E4[wgq_dis_n]
    E4 --> C
    B --> F0[x]
    F0 --> C
    B --> F1[default]
    F1 --> C


Description: Add MSNI - add score and dummy for in need

Parameters: - df: - comp_foodsec_score: - comp_snfi_score: - comp_wash_score: - comp_prot_score: - comp_health_score: - comp_edu_score: - comp_foodsec_in_need: - comp_snfi_in_need: - comp_wash_in_need: - comp_prot_in_need: - comp_health_in_need: - comp_edu_in_need:

Outputs: - labels - values - comp_scores_nin - comp_names - comp_scores - comp_in_need_lgl - comp_in_need - sector_needs_profile - df_comp_in_need - comp_scores_lgl - comp_in_need_nin - df

New/Modified Columns: - sector_needs_profile - msni_score

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_msni]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[comp_foodsec_score] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[comp_snfi_score] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[comp_wash_score] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[comp_prot_score] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[comp_health_score] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[comp_edu_score] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[comp_foodsec_in_need] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[comp_snfi_in_need] --> B
    A --> D8
    D9[comp_wash_in_need] --> B
    A --> D9
    D10[comp_prot_in_need] --> B
    A --> D10
    D11[comp_health_in_need] --> B
    A --> D11
    D12[comp_edu_in_need] --> B
    A --> D12
    B --> E0[labels]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[values]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[comp_scores_nin]
    E2 --> C
    B --> E3[comp_names]
    E3 --> C
    B --> E4[comp_scores]
    E4 --> C
    B --> E5[comp_in_need_lgl]
    E5 --> C
    B --> E6[comp_in_need]
    E6 --> C
    B --> E7[sector_needs_profile]
    E7 --> C
    B --> E8[df_comp_in_need]
    E8 --> C
    B --> E9[comp_scores_lgl]
    E9 --> C
    B --> E10[comp_in_need_nin]
    E10 --> C
    B --> E11[df]
    E11 --> C
    B --> F0[sector_needs_profile]
    F0 --> C
    B --> F1[msni_score]
    F1 --> C


Description: Add the category of occupancy arrangement

Parameters: - df: - occupancy: - high_risk: - medium_risk: - low_risk: - undefined:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - hlp_occupancy_cat

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_occupancy_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[occupancy] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[high_risk] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[medium_risk] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[low_risk] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[undefined] --> B
    A --> D5
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[hlp_occupancy_cat]
    F0 --> C


Description: Add received assistance (combined calculation)

Parameters: - df: - received_assistance_12m: - yes: - no: - undefined: - received_assistance_date: - date_past_30d: - date_1_3_months: - date_4_6_months: - date_7_12_months: - date_undefined:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - aap_received_assistance

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_received_assistance]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[received_assistance_12m] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[yes] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[no] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[undefined] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[received_assistance_date] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[date_past_30d] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[date_1_3_months] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[date_4_6_months] --> B
    A --> D8
    D9[date_7_12_months] --> B
    A --> D9
    D10[date_undefined] --> B
    A --> D10
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[aap_received_assistance]
    F0 --> C


Description: Any barriers to accessing humanitarian assistance encountered

Parameters: - df: - barriers_assistance: - none: - pnta: - dnk:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - aap_barriers_assistance_any

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_barriers_assistance_any]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[barriers_assistance] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[none] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[pnta] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[dnk] --> B
    A --> D4
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[aap_barriers_assistance_any]
    F0 --> C


Description: Sanitation facility classification

Parameters: - df: - sanitation_facility: - improved: - unimproved: - none: - undefined:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - wash_sanitation_facility_cat

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_sanitation_facility_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[sanitation_facility] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[improved] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[unimproved] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[none] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[undefined] --> B
    A --> D5
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[wash_sanitation_facility_cat]
    F0 --> C



Parameters: - df: - sharing_sanitation_facility: - yes: - no: - undefined: - sanitation_facility: - skipped_sanitation_facility:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - wash_sharing_sanitation_facility_cat

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_sharing_sanitation_facility_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[sharing_sanitation_facility] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[yes] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[no] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[undefined] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[sanitation_facility] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[skipped_sanitation_facility] --> B
    A --> D6
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[wash_sharing_sanitation_facility_cat]
    F0 --> C



Parameters: - df: - sharing_sanitation_facility_cat: - levels: - sanitation_facility_sharing_n: - hh_size: - weight:

Outputs: - mean_hh_size - df

New/Modified Columns: - wash_sharing_sanitation_facility_num_hh - wash_sharing_sanitation_facility_n_ind

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_sharing_sanitation_facility_num_ind]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[sharing_sanitation_facility_cat] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[levels] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[sanitation_facility_sharing_n] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[hh_size] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[weight] --> B
    A --> D5
    B --> E0[mean_hh_size]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[df]
    E1 --> C
    B --> F0[wash_sharing_sanitation_facility_num_hh]
    F0 --> C
    B --> F1[wash_sharing_sanitation_facility_n_ind]
    F1 --> C



Parameters: - df: - sanitation_facility_cat: - sanitation_facility_levels: - sharing_sanitation_facility_cat: - sharing_sanitation_facility_levels:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - wash_sanitation_facility_jmp_cat

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_sanitation_facility_jmp_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[sanitation_facility_cat] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[sanitation_facility_levels] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[sharing_sanitation_facility_cat] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[sharing_sanitation_facility_levels] --> B
    A --> D4
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[wash_sanitation_facility_jmp_cat]
    F0 --> C


Description: Add the number of shelter issues and related category

Parameters: - df: - shelter_issue: - none: - issues: - undefined: - sep:

Outputs: - shelter_issue_d_undefined - shelter_issue_d_none - shelter_issue_d_issues - df

New/Modified Columns: - snfi_shelter_issue_cat - snfi_shelter_issue_n - default

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_shelter_issue_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[shelter_issue] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[none] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[issues] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[undefined] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[sep] --> B
    A --> D5
    B --> E0[shelter_issue_d_undefined]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[shelter_issue_d_none]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[shelter_issue_d_issues]
    E2 --> C
    B --> E3[df]
    E3 --> C
    B --> F0[snfi_shelter_issue_cat]
    F0 --> C
    B --> F1[snfi_shelter_issue_n]
    F1 --> C
    B --> F2[default]
    F2 --> C


Description: Combines both shelter types questions and recodes the type of shelter.

Parameters: - df: - shelter_type: - sl_none: - sl_collective_center: - sl_undefined: - shelter_type_individual: - adequate: - inadequate: - undefined:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns: - snfi_shelter_type_cat

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_shelter_type_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[shelter_type] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[sl_none] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[sl_collective_center] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[sl_undefined] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[shelter_type_individual] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[adequate] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[inadequate] --> B
    A --> D7
    D8[undefined] --> B
    A --> D8
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C
    B --> F0[snfi_shelter_type_cat]
    F0 --> C


Description: Rank top 3 frequent expenditure types

Parameters: - df: - expenditure_freq_types: - id_col:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_top3_expenditure_type_freq]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[expenditure_freq_types] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[id_col] --> B
    A --> D2
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C


Description: Rank top 3 infrequent expenditure types

Parameters: - df: - expenditure_infreq_types: - id_col:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[add_top3_expenditure_type_infreq]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[expenditure_infreq_types] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[id_col] --> B
    A --> D2
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C


Description: Impute missing values

Parameters: - df: - vars: - value:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[impute_value]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[vars] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[value] --> B
    A --> D2
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C



Parameters: - df: - vars: - group: - weighted: - weight:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[impute_median]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[vars] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[group] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[weighted] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[weight] --> B
    A --> D4
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C



Parameters: - df: - cols:

Outputs: - classes - TRUE - cols

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[are_cols_numeric]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[cols] --> B
    A --> D1
    B --> E0[classes]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[TRUE]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[cols]
    E2 --> C



Parameters: - df: - cols: - lower: - upper:

Outputs: - cols - ranges - TRUE

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[are_values_in_range]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[cols] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[lower] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[upper] --> B
    A --> D3
    B --> E0[cols]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[ranges]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[TRUE]
    E2 --> C



Parameters: - df: - cols: - set: - main_message:

Outputs: - cols - values_chr - values_lgl - x - df_cols - TRUE

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[are_values_in_set]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[cols] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[set] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[main_message] --> B
    A --> D3
    B --> E0[cols]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[values_chr]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[values_lgl]
    E2 --> C
    B --> E3[x]
    E3 --> C
    B --> E4[df_cols]
    E4 --> C
    B --> E5[TRUE]
    E5 --> C



Parameters: - vector: - set:


New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[subvec_in]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[vector] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[set] --> B
    A --> D1



Parameters: - vector: - set:


New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[subvec_not_in]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[vector] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[set] --> B
    A --> D1



Parameters: - df: - cols: - df_name: - arg:

Outputs: - msg - missing_cols

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[if_not_in_stop]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[cols] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[df_name] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[arg] --> B
    A --> D3
    B --> E0[msg]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[missing_cols]
    E1 --> C


Description: Add a dummy variable ‘is in need’

Parameters: - df: - score: - new_colname:

Outputs: - new_colname - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[is_in_need]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[score] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[new_colname] --> B
    A --> D2
    B --> E0[new_colname]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[df]
    E1 --> C



Parameters: - df: - score: - new_colname:

Outputs: - new_colname - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[is_in_acute_need]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[score] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[new_colname] --> B
    A --> D2
    B --> E0[new_colname]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[df]
    E1 --> C


Description: Add categories for a numeric variable

Parameters: - df: - num_col: - breaks: - labels: - int_undefined: - char_undefined: - new_colname: - plus_last:

Outputs: - labels - paste0(lower + 1, “+” - upper - lower - new_colname - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[num_cat]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[num_col] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[breaks] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[labels] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[int_undefined] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[char_undefined] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[new_colname] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[plus_last] --> B
    A --> D7
    B --> E0[labels]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[paste0_lower___1_____]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[upper]
    E2 --> C
    B --> E3[lower]
    E3 --> C
    B --> E4[new_colname]
    E4 --> C
    B --> E5[df]
    E5 --> C


Description: Function to add top 3 columns out of numeric variables

Parameters: - df: - vars: - new_colname_top1: - new_colname_top2: - new_colname_top3: - id_col:

Outputs: - int - new_vars_in_df - new_vars - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[rank_top3_vars]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[vars] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[new_colname_top1] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[new_colname_top2] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[new_colname_top3] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[id_col] --> B
    A --> D5
    B --> E0[int]
    E0 --> C
    B --> E1[new_vars_in_df]
    E1 --> C
    B --> E2[new_vars]
    E2 --> C
    B --> E3[df]
    E3 --> C


Description: Function to sum up columns row-wise.

Parameters: - df: - vars: - new_colname: - imputation: - na_rm: - weight: - value: - group:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[sum_vars]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[vars] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[new_colname] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[imputation] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[na_rm] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[weight] --> B
    A --> D5
    D6[value] --> B
    A --> D6
    D7[group] --> B
    A --> D7
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C


Description: Add a value to variables that were skipped

Parameters: - df: - var: - undefined: - sl_vars: - sl_value: - suffix:

Outputs: - df

New/Modified Columns:

Returns: Not specified

Function Diagram:

flowchart LR
    A[Input] --> B[value_to_sl]
    B --> C[Output]
        D0[df] --> B
    A --> D0
    D1[var] --> B
    A --> D1
    D2[undefined] --> B
    A --> D2
    D3[sl_vars] --> B
    A --> D3
    D4[sl_value] --> B
    A --> D4
    D5[suffix] --> B
    A --> D5
    B --> E0[df]
    E0 --> C